Some chapters are connected/in the same canon, others absolutely not.

#Ffxiv shoebill series
Avails herself of your limited goodwill, I daresay.”įill for the FFXIVwrite 2020 prompt "avail." Series “Certainly I help her with her work, but she relies on you to smooth it all over with your peers. Hythlodaeus looked up at that, lips parted and other hand flat to his chest in mock-outrage. “As though you, her greatest enabler, are unaware.” “What great offence has she given the Convocation this time?”

It turned sad because I can't write anything else.Azem/Solus zos Galvus | Emet-Selch/Hythlodaeus.Language: English Words: 1,339 Chapters: 1/3 Kudos: 7 Hits: 110Īurumstar (shieldivarius) Fandoms: Final Fantasy XIV WOL faces her choices after the fight with Hades and remembers the life long forgotten. This time the loss is too much and the memories regained do nothing to relieve the mistake she feels she's made. Most she isn't proud of but understood the need for most of it. Female Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV).Scions of the Seventh Dawn (Final Fantasy XIV).
#Ffxiv shoebill archive
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.Whenxkilled027 Fandoms: Final Fantasy XIV Language: English Words: 6,385 Chapters: 16/16 Collections: 1 Comments: 1 Kudos: 29 Bookmarks: 4 Hits: 556 If only in a pale imitation, she would bring something of him with her on her journeys. One shot collection for the FFXIV Write 2020 prompt challenge, centering on my Lalafell Warrior of Light. Black Mage Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV).Multi-Classed Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV).Culinarian Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV).Warrior of Light Is A Shard of Azem (Final Fantasy XIV).
#Ffxiv shoebill Patch
Patch 5.3: Reflections in Crystal Spoilers.Lalafell Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV).Named Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV).Like stars burning holes right through the dark Language: English Words: 1,084 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 22 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 273 This fic features my Male Mi'qhote WOL Mikha. As his grief pulls at his heart and mind he finds comfort in two of his friends and an oddly familiar Shoebill. Male Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy XIV)Īfter helping out in the empty the warrior of light finds his thought drawn back to the man he misses dearly.Solus zos Galvus | Emet-Selch & Warrior of Light.Solus zos Galvus | Emet-Selch/Warrior of Light.Mana_Syx Fandoms: Final Fantasy XIV, FFXIV